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  • Refugee Story



In her home country of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Julie* was a successful farmer and her future was bright. Like many young women her age, Julie longed for marriage and a family of her own. All of that drastically changed on the day that the Mai Mai brutally attacked Julie and her family, burning their home, and murdering many of their family members. After Julie was attacked, she was left with severe injuries and later discovered that she was pregnant. The surviving family members fled to Nairobi, Kenya to seek safety.

Julie now worries what the future holds for her three-year-old twin boys in a community that shuns children of rape that “belong to the Mai Mai.” However, Julie remains positive. During a recent home visit, she showed us the wheelchair that was provided to her by a partner agency when RefugePoint highlighted her case. She is now mobile and training in beadwork. Julie attended a four-day crafts training, run by a fellow RefugePoint client, during which she learned how to recycle waste paper to make jewelry, and she is looking forward to attending RefugePoint’s business training.

Julie’s brother, Stephan*, is the head of the household and has already benefited from RefugePoint’s business training, and used his $200 start-up grant to grow his business of selling kitenge fabric. Stephan is now able to provide for the basic needs of the family and no longer has to rely on RefugePoint for rent or food assistance. The family continues to receive counseling support and assistance with medical expenses.

*Names changed for clients’ protection