“I got the idea to start the barbershop after attending the RefugePoint business training. While I was attending the training, I was challenged and motivated to think outside of the box. I decided to pursue my idea of opening a barbershop.” In April 2018, Chris attended RefugePoint’s business training and received a grant of $200. Chris knew that he needed $300 in capital to begin his barbershop. To attain the additional $100 needed to launch his barbershop, Chris used the initial grant money to begin a business selling fabric and mobile phone covers. He often traveled to distant markets outside Nairobi, where the business was better. After four months of hard work and saving, Chris saved up the $300 in capital that he needed to open his barbershop.
While the barbershop slowly began attracting new customers, Chris continued selling fabric to ensure that he maintained a steady income to support his family of eight. As business at the barbershop picked up, Chris was able to employ a fellow refugee to help him run the business during the day, while Chris continued selling fabric. In the evening, Chris returns to the barbershop and serves clients from 5 pm to 10 pm.
Recognizing Chris’s excellent business acumen and efforts to grow and expand his business, RefugePoint granted him an additional $350 to purchase equipment for his barbershop. With the additional grant, Chris was able to buy a chair and shaving machines from a competitor who had closed down.
Like all business owners, Chris has faced challenges on his entrepreneurship journey. Chris’s wife, Mary, was severely injured when they were attacked in their home country, Congo, and requires ongoing medical attention. At times, this means that Chris must leave his businesses to care for Mary, and since he is the sole provider for the family, this can put a strain on their budget.
Another challenge that Chris faced was harassment by the County Council due to lack of a business license. RefugePoint recently began assisting clients to obtain business licenses. In April 2019, RefugePoint supported Chris to acquire a business license by helping him to apply and pay for the permit.
“With the license, my business is now formal, and I no longer need to worry when the County Council officers come knocking. It takes such a huge weight off my shoulders. Now I feel so relieved. That is a lot of worry off my mind, and now I can focus on growing my business.”