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How we're driving large-scale change across the globe:

We work simultaneously on direct services, field building, and systems change to transform the refugee response system.

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Direct Services

We provide direct support to refugees.

Direct services

We provide direct assistance to refugees who face extreme vulnerabilities and are underserved by humanitarian aid systems.

Through our Urban Refugee Protection Program in Nairobi, Kenya, we identify refugees and Kenyans experiencing extreme vulnerabilities and help to stabilize them with holistic, tailored services such as: food, rent, essential household goods, medical services, education support, counseling, and livelihoods support.

We also help refugees who can’t remain safely where they are to permanently relocate to a safe, new country to rebuild their lives through resettlement and other pathways to safety like family reunification and labor mobility.

Through our partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), our team works in dozens of countries globally to identify vulnerable refugees who need to relocate. We also make resettlement referrals directly to governments through our work in Kenya and globally through our NGO Referrals Program. Since 2005, we’ve helped over 179,384 refugees access resettlement and other pathways to safety.

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Field Building

We support other organizations to expand programs to reach more refugees.

Field Building

Using what we learn from our direct service work, we help build sector-wide capacity by sharing knowledge and resources to expand solutions for refugees. This happens in several ways, including:

  • Providing training and technical assistance to partner organizations
  • Developing and distributing new tools and approaches
  • Supporting refugee-led organizations and promoting refugee leadership
  • Sharing our thought leadership on strategic topics and hosting peer learning exchanges
  • Deploying staff across the globe to build systems and solutions for NGO resettlement referrals, best-interest procedures for children, and family reunification
  • Loaning staff capacity to partners to fill critical gaps
  • Broadening the base of philanthropic support for lasting solutions
  • Connecting partners with funding
  • Onboarding and training new talent in the field
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System Change

We influence policy and decision-makers to drive large-scale change.

Systems Change

RefugePoint aims to multiply our impact through systems change. We are well-positioned to do this through our strategic relationships with key decision-makers in the sector (within governments, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and other organizations) and our seat at the table in high-level policy settings. Additionally, the strength of our direct service work and our field-building partnerships give us a credible, influential voice in global refugee policy and best-practice conversations.

    • We lead and participate in some of the highest level and most influential convenings in our field, such as the Refugee Self-Reliance Initiative, the Third-country Solutions Identification and Referral Network, the Family Reunification Network, and the Global Task Force on Refugee Labor Mobility, which serve as the center of gravity for global convening around refugee program priorities.
    • Within the refugee response sector, we have successfully developed new approaches that are adopted and scaled by peer organizations. This includes innovations around self-reliance programming and measurement, NGO resettlement referrals, best-interest procedures for children, and complementary pathways such as labor mobility and family reunification.
    • We continue to push for new standards and accountability around equitable access to solutions. We use evidence-based analysis to support our influence and advocacy efforts around increased equity in the field.

Direct services

We provide direct assistance to refugees who face extreme vulnerabilities and are underserved by humanitarian aid systems.

Through our Urban Refugee Protection Program in Nairobi, Kenya, we identify refugees and Kenyans experiencing extreme vulnerabilities and help to stabilize them with holistic, tailored services such as: food, rent, essential household goods, medical services, education support, counseling, and livelihoods support.

We also help refugees who can’t remain safely where they are to permanently relocate to a safe, new country to rebuild their lives through resettlement and other pathways to safety like family reunification and labor mobility.

Through our partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), our team works in dozens of countries globally to identify vulnerable refugees who need to relocate. We also make resettlement referrals directly to governments through our work in Kenya and globally through our NGO Referrals Program. Since 2005, we’ve helped over 179,384 refugees access resettlement and other pathways to safety.

Cross-cutting Priorities

In addition to our two main programmatic pillars (Self-reliance and Resettlement & Other Pathways to Safety), we also expand lasting solutions for refugees through cross-cutting priorities and programs, including:

Child Protection

A commitment to protecting children underpins all that we do at RefugePoint. We prioritize refugee children in our programs and collaborate closely with partners to fill critical gaps in refugee child protection.


Nyabiheke Camp

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support

RefugePoint’s Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) program works to improve access to mental health services and resources for refugees. Our commitment to MHPSS permeates all of our programs at RefugePoint. It is crucial for the self-reliance of our refugee clients and is a key component of wellness for our team of humanitarian workers.


Our Approach

Promoting Refugee-Led Efforts

RefugePoint has long recognized the vital role that refugee-led organizations (RLOs) and community based organizations (CBOs) play in responding to the needs of their own communities. RefugePoint exchanges knowledge, skills, and learning with RLOs and CBOs and provides resources to support and strengthen the important work these organizations are doing to elevate lasting solutions in refugee communities.


Refugee-Led Efforts
Simar Headshot

RefugePoint combines bold vision, direct action, thought leadership and collaborative partnerships to meet the needs of refugees and solve systemic challenges in refugee response.

Simar Singh
RefugePoint Chief Programs Officer
Circle Textures

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two children relaxing with woman