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Benefits of Joining RefugePoint’s Legacy Society

By making a planned gift, you will become a member of the RefugePoint Legacy Society. As part of this Society, you will receive special updates about the organization, invitations to local events, and opportunities to join special learning journeys and events to better understand the impact of your support through meeting with staff and partners. You will also be recognized along with a list of other RefugePoint Legacy Society members.

Gifts That Help Now

Non-cash Gifts

Non-cash gifts are donations of assets other than cash, including stocks and bonds, real estate, and personal property (such as artwork or valuable collections). When you make a noncash gift, you do not pay capital gains taxes, often increasing the value of your donation while meeting your estate planning goals.

Charitable Lead Trust (CLT)

A CLT allows you to support RefugePoint now while preserving assets for your heirs in the future. By putting assets into a trust, it provides income to RefugePoint for a set number of years, after which the remainder goes to your beneficiaries.

Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA)

With a CGA, you make a donation of cash or assets, and in return, RefugePoint pays you (or a loved one) a fixed amount every year for the rest of your life. After you pass, the remaining balance of the gift goes to support RefugePoint allowing you to support refugees while securing lifelong income for yourself.

Gifts That Help Later

*Please note this information is not intended as legal or tax advice. Donors should contact their financial and legal advisors prior to making a gift or legacy commitment.

Wills and Bequests

By including a bequest to RefugePoint in your will, you can leave a lasting legacy without affecting your finances during your lifetime. You can choose to leave a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or particular assets like stocks or property.

Remainders from Qualified Retirement Plans

You can name RefugePoint as a beneficiary of your qualified retirement plans, like IRAs, 401(k)s, and 403(b)s. Since these accounts are typically subject to income taxes when passed to heirs, designating a charity like RefugePoint can avoid those taxes entirely, allowing 100% of your gift to support refugees.

Sasha Chanoff

"It takes time to innovate, implement, and inspire other partners to adopt lasting solutions for refugees. Your charitable planned gift will ensure these solutions are implemented now, and for the long haul."

Sasha Chanoff
RefugePoint Founder & CEO
Have you already made a planned gift to RefugePoint?

Let us know so we can thank you and include you in our records! Email Kayla Slagter, Associate Director of Development, at, to share about a gift you’ve already made, or discuss your interest in giving to RefugePoint.