Thierry is a young entrepreneur living in Nairobi, Kenya. He makes and sells soap products, including liquid soap, bar soap, bleach, and fabric softener. Thierry also shares his soap production knowledge with other potential entrepreneurs.
“I love this business a lot,” Thierry shared. “It has so much value to me because I want to depend on myself like everyone else. I hope that one day I will be able to open and manage my own soap-making company that will empower other vulnerable people in this community.”
Before learning soap-making skills, Thierry made a living by selling sugarcane, but due to the inconsistency of that work, he was unable to meet his own basic needs. He decided to enroll in a skills training course where he learned the art of making soap and other detergents. After completing his training, Thierry was recruited by a local organization to empower their beneficiaries throughout Nairobi. Thierry then completed RefugePoint’s Business training program, where he learned how to start and grow his business. At the end of the training, Thierry received a grant of $570, which he used to purchase an electric stirring machine, soap-making ingredients, containers, and fragrances, in order to start his own soap-making business.
“I am proud of where I am,” Thierry stated when we visited him at his workplace. “I remember the work I used to do before receiving this education…it was very tiring. But this work does not require a lot of strength,” Thierry said. “I teach, make soap, and sell it to individuals.”
Training potential entrepreneurs and selling washing detergents provides a steady income for Thierry.
“I would say, many thanks to RefugePoint. They have enabled me to grow by giving me capital, and I am grateful to them. Let RefugePoint continue to help those who are vulnerable. We are here to help each other.” Thierry said.