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Advancing Solutions for Refugees and IDPs: New Partners, New Measures

Advancing Solutions for Refugees and IDPs: New Partners, New Measures (Co-hosted by RefugePoint and UNHCR, April 2015)

60 Decibels / RefugePoint Impact Performance Report

60 Decibels / RefugePoint Impact Performance Report (Paul Karanja and Patrick Guyer, October 2024)

Strengthening evidence for refugee self-reliance programming

Strengthening evidence for refugee self-reliance programming (Simar Singh, September 2024)

Five Organisational Pathways for Enabling Meaningful Refugee Participation

Five Organisational Pathways for Enabling Meaningful Refugee Participation (June 2024)

Expanding the Meaningful Engagement of Refugee-Led Organizations in Kenya

Expanding the Meaningful Engagement of Refugee-Led Organizations in Kenya (November 2023, Refugee Self-Reliance Initiative and RefugePoint)

Measuring and Facilitating Self-Reliance

Measuring and Facilitating Self-Reliance (January 2023, Amy Slaughter, Kellie C Leeson, and Dale Buscher)

Self-Reliance Evidence Review: Key Findings and Recommendations

Self-Reliance Evidence Review: Selected Findings and Recommendations (December 2021, Simar Singh, Solenne Delga, Camille Strauss-Kahn, and Rachel Furlow)

Capacity Assessment of Community-Based Organizations in Nairobi

Capacity Assessment of Community-Based Organizations in Nairobi (July 2021)

Preserving the Humanitarian Nature of Resettlement

Preserving the Humanitarian Nature of Resettlement (Martin Anderson and Amy Slaughter, June 2021): An Analysis of 2018-2020 Resettlement Data

COVID-19 Impact Report on Refugee Households

COVID-19 Impact Report (March 29, 2021): How NGOs can support refugees to withstand the shocks of the COVID-19 pandemic

USA Today (February 4, 2021): After Trump disgrace, Biden reopens door to refugees and Americans who want to help them

USA Today (February 4, 2021): After Trump disgrace, Biden reopens door to refugees and Americans who want to help them

How to build refugee self-reliance during COVID-19

World Economic Forum (August 27, 2020, Sasha Chanoff and Amy Slaughter): How to build refugee self-reliance during COVID-19

Challenges related to LGBTIQ+ refugees and shelter in urban contexts

Challenges related to LGBTIQ+ refugees and shelter in urban contexts (January 2020, Hester Moore and Beth Waruiru)

Fostering Refugee Self-reliance: A Case Study of an Agency’s Approach in Nairobi

Fostering Refugee Self-reliance: A Case Study of an Agency’s Approach in Nairobi (Journal of Refugee Studies, August 2019, Amy G Slaughter).

DISAGGREGATING LGBTIQ PROTECTION CONCERNS: Experiences of refugee communities in Nairobi

DISAGGREGATING LGBTIQ PROTECTION CONCERNS: Experiences of refugee communities in Nairobi (July 2018, Hester Moore).

U.S. Department of State, The U.S. Refugee Admissions Program

U.S. Department of State, The U.S. Refugee Admissions Program

Forced Migration Review (May 2005, Karen Jacobsen; Loren Landau): Recommendations for Urban Refugee Policy

Forced Migration Review (May 2005, Karen Jacobsen; Loren Landau): Recommendations for Urban Refugee Policy

Journal of Refugee Studies (Vol 30, Issue 1, March 2017, Martin Anderson, Natalie Anderson and Amy Slaughter): Developing and Validating the Refugee Integration Scale in Nairobi, Kenya

Journal of Refugee Studies (Vol 30, Issue 1, March 2017, Martin Anderson, Natalie Anderson and Amy Slaughter): Developing and Validating the Refugee Integration Scale in Nairobi, Kenya

Evaluation Connections, European Evaluation Society (October 2017, Amy Slaughter): The Case for Measuring Refugee Self-Reliance

Evaluation Connections, European Evaluation Society (October 2017, Amy Slaughter): The Case for Measuring Refugee Self-Reliance

UNHCR New Issues in Refugee Research

UNHCR New Issues in Refugee Research (January 2012, Martin Anderson): The cost of living: an analysis of the time and money spent by refugee accessing services in Nairobi

Oxford Refugee Studies Centre Brief (October 13, 2017, Amy Slaughter and Kellie Leeson): How do we measure refugee self-reliance?

Oxford Refugee Studies Centre Brief (October 13, 2017, Amy Slaughter and Kellie Leeson): How do we measure refugee self-reliance?

Forced Migration Review (Issue 58, June 2018, Hester Moore): Lessons from LGBTIQ refugee-led community-based organizations

Forced Migration Review (Issue 58, June 2018, Hester Moore): Lessons from LGBTIQ refugee-led community-based organizations

Geneva Global: How Two Leaders are Changing the Refugee Sector (March 19, 2018, Kelly Lyons)

Geneva Global: How Two Leaders are Changing the Refugee Sector (March 19, 2018, Kelly Lyons).

Boston Voyager (March 6, 2018): Meet Amy Slaughter of RefugePoint in Cambridge

Boston Voyager (March 6, 2018): Meet Amy Slaughter of RefugePoint in Cambridge

Oxford Refugee Studies Centre (February 16, 2018): Refugee Economies in Kenya

Multiple excellent publications on refugee economies, found at: Including “Refugee Economies in Kenya” (16 February 2018). RefugePoint is acknowledged in the report for the considerable support we provided to the...

Sasha Chanoff quoted in the Washington Post (December 26, 2017, Kevin Sieff): Trump’s new suspension of refugees leaves some at risk of dying, doctors say

Sasha Chanoff quoted in the Washington Post (December 26, 2017, Kevin Sieff): Trump’s new suspension of refugees leaves some at risk of dying, doctors say

Sasha featured in Forbes (October 13, 2017, Ben Schawbel): How Leaders Can Handle A Crisis With Confidence

Sasha featured in Forbes (October 13, 2017, Ben Schawbel): How Leaders Can Handle A Crisis With Confidence

USA Today: Slashing refugee admissions would be tragic and irrational (September 20, 2017, Sasha Chanoff)

USA Today: Slashing refugee admissions would be tragic and irrational (September 20, 2017, Sasha Chanoff)

Overseas Development Institute / Humanitarian Policy Group (September 2017): Livelihoods in Displacement: from refugee perspectives to aid agency response

Multiple excellent publications on refugee livelihoods and self-reliance, found at: See especially: Livelihoods in Displacement: from refugee perspectives to aid agency response (September 2017)

Human Rights First (July 27, 2017): US Leadership Forsaken: Six Months of the Trump Refugee Bans

Human Rights First (July 27, 2017): US Leadership Forsaken: Six Months of the Trump Refugee Bans

Forced Migration Review (Issue 54, February 2017, Amy Slaughter): How NGOs have helped shape resettlement

Forced Migration Review (Issue 54, February 2017, Amy Slaughter): How NGOs have helped shape resettlement

USA Today (February 6, 2016, Sasha Chanoff): Trump highlights a North Korean refugee and his own stunning hypocrisy

USA Today (February 6, 2016, Sasha Chanoff): Trump highlights a North Korean refugee and his own stunning hypocrisy

UNHCR-NGO Toolkit for Practical Cooperation on Resettlement (2011, updated in 2015). RefugePoint was a co-creator of this toolkit.

UNHCR-NGO Toolkit for Practical Cooperation on Resettlement (2011, updated in 2015). RefugePoint was a co-creator of this toolkit.

UNHCR (June 2015, Johanna Babb): NGO Collaboration Around Resettlement Identification

UNHCR (June 2015, Johanna Babb): NGO Collaboration Around Resettlement Identification

The Solutions Journal (March 2012, Amy Slaughter): Making resettlement possible for the world’s most at-risk refugees

The Solutions Journal (March 2012, Amy Slaughter): Making resettlement possible for the world’s most at-risk refugees

Refuge (Vol 28, Issue 2, 2011, Dale Buscher): New Approaches to Urban Refugee Livelihoods

Refuge (Vol 28, Issue 2, 2011, Dale Buscher): New Approaches to Urban Refugee Livelihoods

Forced Migration Review (Issue 35, July 2010, Devon Cone): Shifting Community Views: reducing stigma in Dadaab

Forced Migration Review (Issue 35, July 2010, Devon Cone): Shifting Community Views: reducing stigma in Dadaab