Press Release: Americans Can Now Sponsor Ukrainian Refugees
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, May 31, 2022 Americans now have the opportunity to sponsor a Ukrainian refugee family through an innovative program, the Sponsor Circle Program. The program was initially launched in October 2021 to welcome Afghan refugees and the success of the program led to its expansion. While Americans continue to sponsor Afghan families,…
The Self-Reliance Index: Supporting the Self-Reliance of Displaced Persons Through Data
The Self Reliance Index is the first global tool for measuring the progress of refugee households toward self-reliance. It was created to support practitioners in designing and implementing effective self-reliance programming as well as to help build an evidence base of “what works”.
A Portrait of Dignity
As RefugePoint’s Chief Development Officer, in May I had the opportunity to visit our Urban Refugee Protection Program in Nairobi, Kenya. Early on in my trip, I was able to observe RefugePoint’s food distribution process in the Eastleigh neighborhood of Nairobi, Kenya. When I walked into the food distribution site, RefugePoint staff were busily preparing…
RefugePoint Mourns the Ten People Murdered During the Racist Attack in Buffalo, NY
Our hearts are broken over the unspeakable racist attack that took ten lives in the Buffalo, NY community after a gunman opened fire at Tops Friendly Market on May 14. We stand in solidarity with those in Buffalo and across the U.S. who are mourning this hate crime, as well as those communities of Black,…
Over 4,000 Patients Treated Since the Resumption of Medical Outreach Sessions
RefugePoint’s Urban Refugee Protection Program (URPP) in Nairobi, Kenya, provides a holistic range of services to more than 12,000 urban refugees each year. We know that each component of our holistic approach, which includes access to healthcare, counseling, rent and food assistance, education support, and small business grants, is crucial on the path towards self-reliance…
I went to the White House Correspondents Dinner with Humaira Rasuli, a leading Afghan human rights lawyer
On Saturday, April 30, I joined Humaira Rasuli, a leading Afghan human rights lawyer, at the White House Correspondents Dinner in Washington, DC. Her work to advance the rights of women in Afghanistan put her life at risk when the Taliban overtook Kabul. As we sat down, Humaira told our table about the hair-raising hours…
Newcomer welcomed through Sponsor Circle Program, has her contributions to society acknowledged as a special guest at White House Correpondents Dinner
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 30, 2022 (Washington, DC) Humaira Rasuli is a leading human rights lawyer from Afghanistan. She was one of the high-priority individuals evacuated from Kabul due to the imminent risk she faced with the rise of the Taliban. Upon evacuation to the US, Humaira was sponsored by William & Mary University and…
Press Release: RefugePoint Joins Welcome.US Effort to Mobilize 100,000 Americans to Sponsor Ukrainians Seeking Refuge in the United States
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, April 26, 2022 Following the Announcement of Uniting for Ukraine program, nearly 70 organizations sign on to historic effort to support people fleeing Ukraine Following the announcement from the Biden-Harris Administration that people fleeing Ukraine will be eligible for humanitarian parole in the United States with a sponsor through a streamlined…
Sponsor Circle opens hearts and homes to Afghan refugees
Mr. Mohammadi, age 20, is one of more than 80,000 Afghans airlifted to the United States after Afghanistan fell to the Taliban last August. He is also one of nearly 360 Afghans being helped through the Sponsor Circle Program for Afghan refugees.
‘Our house is your house’: Meet the Florida rabbi hosting a family of Ukrainian refugees
Many if not most of the 2 million Ukrainians who have flooded into Poland, it seems, have quickly scattered throughout the country and further into Europe, staying with relatives, friends, or, as in this Florida situation, total strangers