  • Overcoming Challenges on the Path to Self-Reliance

    After fleeing conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mama Juma spent eight years in refugee camps before arriving in Nairobi, Kenya. In 2018, RefugePoint began supporting Mama Juma with food, rent, and business development training to help her find stability. This support allowed her to leave an abusive relationship and find a place to…

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  • Who We Are

      Imagine a future where refugees can reach safety, regardless of where they’ve fled from or the color of their skin. A future where people don’t have to risk their lives in search of a safe place to call home. Where they are welcomed with open arms. RefugePoint is working to make this future a…

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  • Global Refugee Labour Mobility Summit

    On March 7, 2023, Bahati Ernestine, RefugePoint’s Economic Mobility Consultant, will deliver a keynote address at the first-ever Global Refugee Labour Mobility Summit in Amman, Jordan. Ms. Ernestine, a former refugee from Rwanda, was part of the first group of refugees to relocate from Nairobi, Kenya, to safe, permanent new homes in Pictou County, Nova…

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  • The Many Steps to Refugee Resettlement

    The Many Steps to Refugee Resettlement

    Only a small fraction of refugees are accepted for resettlement (just over 40,000 worldwide in the first half of 2022, according to UNHCR), but getting there takes determination and persistence from the refugees and the collective efforts of UNHCR and partner staff. One Expert wrote poignantly about his chance to share the happy news that…

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  • US citizens get chance to play role in resettling refugees

    US citizens get chance to play role in resettling refugees

    A government program launched Thursday is giving American citizens the chance to play a role in resettling the thousands of refugees who arrive every year in the United States.

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  • The State Department launches a new way for ordinary Americans to resettle refugees

    The State Department launches a new way for ordinary Americans to resettle refugees

    The new private sponsorship program will allow U.S. citizens and permanent residents to sponsor refugees from around the world.

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  • Biden Administration Invites Ordinary Americans to Help Settle Refugees

    Biden Administration Invites Ordinary Americans to Help Settle Refugees

    The program to speed up refugee arrivals will allow private citizens to sponsor families in their communities after raising funds and undergoing training.

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  • U.S. Government Announces New Private Sponsorship Program: Welcome Corps

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   January 19, 2022 The United States just announced a new private sponsorship program, the Welcome Corps, that will give Americans the opportunity to sponsor refugees from across the world for lifesaving resettlement in the U.S. The program aims to mobilize 10,000 Americans to welcome refugees through private sponsorship in 2023. As more…

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  • Growth of the Economic Mobility Pathway Project

    A number of years ago, The UNHCR Deputy High Commissioner at the time, Alexander Aleinikoff, asked: “Can we envision a world where countries compete to bring refugees in because they are so needed?” Labor mobility is a pathway that can help to make that imagined future a reality. We can already see that future. It’s…

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  • Peer-to-Peer Learning Sessions in Nairobi Provide a Framework for Expanding Programs Reaching Refugee Populations

    Peer-to-Peer Learning Sessions in Nairobi Provide a Framework for Expanding Programs Reaching Refugee Populations

    In an effort to support and strengthen refugee-led organizations (RLOs) in Nairobi, Kenya, RefugePoint recently began bringing together leaders from several community-based organizations (CBOs) for Peer-to-Peer Learning Sessions. These sessions allow community-based organizations to connect with one another as well as local government agencies. The Peer-to-Peer Learning Sessions also help to bridge the gap between…

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