Stories of Second Chances and New Beginnings: RefugePoint’s 2021 New Year’s Message
In 2020 we joined the refugees we serve in confronting COVID-19. The pandemic decimated livelihoods, grounded flights to safety, and prevented the reunion of vulnerable unaccompanied children with their families. Despite the many challenges of 2020, there were also uplifting and inspiring moments. Many of our refugee clients in Nairobi found innovative ways to continue…
RefugePoint’s Top 15 Milestones to Celebrate our 15th Anniversary
We’ve accomplished so much since we began in 2005, and we invite you to explore this timeline, which highlights our top 15 milestones over the past 15 years. In 2005, RefugePoint (which at that time was known as Mapendo) was founded to serve a small group of refugees in Nairobi, Kenya. These refugees had been…
RefugePoint’s Statement on U.S. Presidential Election Results
President-Elect Joe Biden has made a unique commitment to refugee resettlement—announcing that he will restore the United States’ global leadership to protect those fleeing violence, war, and persecution. As we watched the election results, we thought of all the refugees to whom we dedicate ourselves. We thought of the trauma, crushed hopes, and threatened lives of…
RefugePoint Responds to Proposed 2021 Low Cap on Refugee Resettlement
RefugePoint is on the frontlines helping refugees in peril to resettle to safety. From Libya, to Iraq, to South Africa, and globally, there are those who might not survive without resettlement. Yesterday, September 30, 2020, President Trump released a report to Congress proposing that the US will accept a maximum of 15,000 refugees through the…
Supporting Refugee-Led Organizations
Refugees are their own first responders in their communities. While RefugePoint and other non-governmental organizations join with the United Nations’ commitment to “stay and deliver” our services during the COVID-19 crisis, we recognize that refugees and Refugee-Led Organizations (RLOs) have no choice but to stay and deliver. RLOs need our support now more than ever. …
We stand together in rejecting racism and the systemic violence that has long plagued our country and join as allies in demanding racial equity
RefugePoint grieves over the brutal and cowardly killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and all others who have had their lives taken due to racially-fueled violence. We grieve with their families and friends, and all our fellow Americans who wish for a just and equitable society. RefugePoint’s founding was connected to the premise…
RefugePoint Celebrates Mental Health Awareness Month
Globally, one in four individuals are affected by a mental disorder in their lifetime, and over 70% of the population have experienced a traumatic event in their lives. Despite these alarming statistics, two-thirds of people with a known mental disorder do not seek help. During May, RefugePoint joins the national movement to raise awareness about…
RefugePoint and Partners Launch the Self-Reliance Index
RefugePoint, along with more than 25 partners as part of the Refugee Self-Reliance Initiative (RSRI) is excited to launch the first-ever global tool, called the Self-Reliance Index (SRI), to measure the progress of refugee households on their path to self-reliance.
Refugees and COVID-19: What Steps Are Being Taken to Protect the Most Vulnerable
In the past few months, COVID-19 has spread to almost every country in the world. Due to a lack of resources, refugees face additional challenges in following the recommended steps for preventing the spread of infection, such as frequent hand-washing. An outbreak in refugee camps would create a heightened threat for individuals already experiencing barriers…
RefugePoint’s Response to COVID-19 in Nairobi
RefugePoint is responding urgently to the needs of our clients, and this response will help to save lives and provide crucial information to refugees throughout Nairobi.