  • Empowering Refugee Youth with Life Skills

    Empowering Refugee Youth with Life Skills

    Early morning showers bring the usual confusion on the busy Kayole Spine road, with matatus (vans commonly used for public transport in Nairobi) and buses aggressively angling for space in the long line of vehicles headed towards Nairobi’s Central Business District. Heavy rain turns small dusty pathways into thick mud between the densely packed apartments…

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  • RefugePoint Distributes Smartphones to Clients

    RefugePoint Distributes Smartphones to Clients

    In January 2021, we distributed 300 Samsung smartphones to our core clients as part of an effort to ensure that clients have equitable access to information and can connect with RefugePoint for remote support. The smartphones will help clients communicate with RefugePoint for remote services such as training, counseling sessions, business support, and telemedicine appointments.…

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  • Supporting Our Clients On Their Self Reliance Journey

    Supporting Our Clients On Their Self Reliance Journey

    My name is Muli, and I work as a social worker at RefugePoint. Social workers are the coaches in the case management process here at RefugePoint. Our roles include assessing, planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating actions required to meet our clients’ health and human services needs. One of the most significant moments in my work…

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  • Empowering Urban Refugees with Business Skills

    Empowering Urban Refugees with Business Skills

    RefugePoint’s Livelihoods program aims to enable urban refugees to achieve greater self-sufficiency and a better quality of life. Our Business Development Skills (BDS) training empowers our refugee clients with the necessary skills to run a successful business in the harsh business climate of Nairobi, Kenya. The training is a critical component of RefugePoint’s Livelihoods program…

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  • Fostering Refugee Financial Inclusion

    Fostering Refugee Financial Inclusion

    Access to financial services, like bank accounts, helps refugees to cope with shocks, reduces exposure to risk, and stimulates local economies. This enables refugees to become self-reliant and productive members of society who contribute towards economic development. Access to bank accounts not only gives refugees a safe place to keep their money, but it also…

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  • BREAKING NEWS: RefugePoint Celebrates President Biden’s Approval of an Executive Order to Restore the US Refugee Admissions Program

    Today, RefugePoint is celebrating President Biden’s announcement of his intention to begin rebuilding the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program and to raise the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program cap from 15,000 to 125,000 people during his first full year. The renewal of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program will mean that refugee parents will finally have an opportunity to…

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  • RefugePoint’s 15th Anniversary Refugee Stories

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  • Stories of Second Chances and New Beginnings: RefugePoint’s 2021 New Year’s Message

    In 2020 we joined the refugees we serve in confronting COVID-19. The pandemic decimated livelihoods, grounded flights to safety, and prevented the reunion of vulnerable unaccompanied children with their families.  Despite the many challenges of 2020, there were also uplifting and inspiring moments. Many of our refugee clients in Nairobi found innovative ways to continue…

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  • RefugePoint’s Top 15 Milestones to Celebrate our 15th Anniversary

    We’ve accomplished so much since we began in 2005, and we invite you to explore this timeline, which highlights our top 15 milestones over the past 15 years. In 2005, RefugePoint (which at that time was known as Mapendo) was founded to serve a small group of refugees in Nairobi, Kenya. These refugees had been…

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  • RefugePoint’s Statement on U.S. Presidential Election Results

    President-Elect Joe Biden has made a unique commitment to refugee resettlement—announcing that he will restore the United States’ global leadership to protect those fleeing violence, war, and persecution.  As we watched the election results, we thought of all the refugees to whom we dedicate ourselves. We thought of the trauma, crushed hopes, and threatened lives of…

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