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Worried about his mother’s health, Jacob Mabil tried for months to p...
A government program launched Thursday is giving American citizens the...
The new private sponsorship program will allow U.S. citizens and perma...
The program to speed up refugee arrivals will allow private citizens t...
Our board member, Edith Tye, recalls her experience fleeing the Rwanda...
Experts say the private sponsorship model could transform the way Amer...
Many American charities that work to help immigrants and refugees have...
We need new solutions for refugees. RefugePoint’s CEO, Sasha Chanoff...
As a lawyer and activist, Humaira Rasuli has fought for women’s righ...
Mr. Mohammadi, age 20, is one of more than 80,000 Afghans airlifted to...
Many if not most of the 2 million Ukrainians who have flooded into Pol...
RefugePoint's Founder and CEO, Sasha Chanoff, recently spoke with NPR'...
WBUR's Morning Edition host Rupa Shenoy speaks with Sasha Chanoff, f...
"With European nations under stress from three million new refugees, t...
"A 4-year-old Ukrainian boy named Max wearing a black jacket and gray...
"Adam Raskin, a rabbi at Congregation Har Shalom in Potomac, Md., knew...
"An American host helped my family thrive after we escaped from Afghan...
"The State Department created the [Sponsor Circle Program] with Commun...
The State Dept. is now allowing private citizens to sponsor Afghan ref...
CBS's Natalie Brand spoke with RefugePoint founder and CEO, Sasha Chan...
The Biden administration is taking an unprecedented step to resettle t...
Natalie Brand from CBS News interviewed Sasha Chanoff, RefugePoint's F...
WBUR Radio Boston: Trump Takes Actions On Immigration, Refugees. Sasha...
WBUR/Congoscenti 2015: Refugee Resettlement: How It Works, And Why We...
WBUR/Radio Boston 2015: How Are Refugees Screened In Massachusetts? S...
Boston Globe 2014: A Lost Girl Shares Her Story
The Moth 2014: An Impossible Choice
ABC World News 2013: ABC World News revisits their 2010 resettlement ...
NPR/WBUR Here and Now 2013: Founder and Executive Director Sasha Chan...
60 Minutes 2013: 12 years after airing a special on the historic rese...
NPR/WBUR Here and Now 2013: Founder and Executive Director Sasha Chano...
Boston Globe 2013: Founder and Executive Director Sasha Chanoff write...
Huffington Post 2013: Election day in Kenya, Communications Officer C...
Huffington Post 2012: Founder and Executive Director Sasha Chanoff bl...
New York Times Magazine 2011: New York Times Magazine follows a Refu...
ABC World News 2010: ABC World News covers the resettlement of one Da...