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A Global Team United to Create a Safe and Inclusive World for Refugees

Our team's diverse perspectives and expertise drive innovative solutions to support and empower refugees globally.

Sasha Chanoff

Sasha Chanoff

Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Roger Swartz

Roger Swartz

Chief Operating Officer
Chief Operating Officer
Jacob Bonyo

Jacob Bonyo

Chief Administrative Officer & Country Director, Kenya Office
Chief Administrative Officer & Country Director, Kenya Office
Marty Anderson

Marty Anderson

Chief of Policy and Practice
Chief of Policy and Practice
Simar Singh

Simar Singh

Chief Program Officer
Chief Program Officer
David Weaver

David Weaver

Chief Financial Officer
Chief Financial Officer
Sarah Hidey

Sarah Hidey

Chief Development Officer
Chief Development Officer
Janet Ouma

Janet Ouma

Deputy Country Director, Kenya
Deputy Country Director, Kenya
Paul Karanja

Paul Karanja

Program Coordinator of Urban Refugee Protection
Program Coordinator of Urban Refugee Protection

Abigail Lewis-Bowen

Operations and Tech Officer

Alex Strang

Global Family Reunification Coordinator

Alexis Felder

Associate Director of Communications

Alison Pappavaselio

Digital Communications Officer

Alli Gillespie

Network Engagement Coordinator, Refugee Self-Reliance Initiative

Aneth Chepkirui

Senior Associate, Livelihoods Program

Anne Ndegwa

Administration Manager

Anne-Marie Manishimwe

Senior Associate, Community-Based MHPSS
Armine Afeyan

Armine Afeyan

CEO, Aurora Humanitarian Initiative
CEO, Aurora Humanitarian Initiative

Bahati Maganjo

Technical Advisor, Refugee Leadership and Refugee-Centered Programming

Beatrice Waithera Ngechu

Senior Associate, Labor Mobility

Brigitte Dusabe

Community Navigator

Carol Muli

Senior Associate, Social Work

Caroline Kamakil

Senior Associate, Social Work

Catherine Kalii

Senior Associate, Finance and Store Keeper

Chris Jensen

Senior Communications Officer

Christine Ogonda

Program Assistant, Front Desk

Christine Shimwe

Office Coordinator

Cleusius Maranga

Education Officer

Clinton Odhiambo Odera

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Manager, Direct Services

Clotilda Kiriongi

Manager, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support

Dakotah Manson

Senior Development Officer, Donor Engagement

Damaris Kibuthu

Senior Associate, Livelihoods Program
Daniel Draper

Daniel Draper, Treasurer

CPA, President, Draper Tax Consulting
CPA, President, Draper Tax Consulting

David Chege

Finance Manager

David Maina

Senior Officer, HR - UNCP

Diana Karua

Communications Manager

Diana Moraa

IT Officer
Edith Tye

Edith Tye

Director Of Infection Control and Prevention, NexCare WellBridge Senior Living
Director Of Infection Control and Prevention, NexCare WellBridge Senior Living
Edward Shapiro

Edward Shapiro (US)

Trustee for The Shapiro Foundation & President of Shapiro Investment Company, LLC
Trustee for The Shapiro Foundation & President of Shapiro Investment Company, LLC

Effie Mumbi Mburu

Family Reunification Manager
Dr. Elizabeth Ferris

Dr. Elizabeth Ferris

Research Professor, Institute for the Study of International Migration Georgetown University
Research Professor, Institute for the Study of International Migration Georgetown University

Esther Muchiri

Senior Officer, HR URPP

Eunice Ayany

Senior Associate, Field Building
Farah Mohamed

Farah Mohamed

CEO, The King’s Trust Canada
CEO, The King’s Trust Canada

Gabriel Kavai


Galgolo Jilo Yohannes

Community Navigator
George Lehner

George Lehner, Chair

Chairperson, The Fund for Peace and RefugePoint
Chairperson, The Fund for Peace and RefugePoint

Grace Mbugua

Senior Officer, Resettlement

Grace Ndirangu

Senior Manager, Livelihoods Program

Hannah Bensusan

NGO Referrals Program Manager

Ibrahim Vicks

Finance and Operations Officer

Inna Shrayer

Associate Director, Finance

Ismael Amir

Senior Officer, Resettlement

Jackson Mutugu


James Nanzala

Officer, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
Jay Tuli

Jay Tuli

President, Leader Bank
President, Leader Bank

Jenna Hornsby

Manager, Philanthropic Partnerships
Jennifer Wilson

Jennifer Wilson

Director, Third Country Solutions
Director, Third Country Solutions

Jessica Masibo

Senior Associate, Communications

John Kennedy Omondi

Procurement and Logistics Manager
Joseph Mwanga

Joseph Mwanga

Finance & Administration Coordinator
Finance & Administration Coordinator
Julia Dhar

Julia Dhar

Managing Director & Partner, Boston Consulting Group
Managing Director & Partner, Boston Consulting Group

Julia Rose

Resettlement Manager

Julius Wandolo

Senior Officer, Resettlement
Kari Diener

Kari Diener

Executive Director for the Refugee Self Reliance Initiative
Executive Director for the Refugee Self Reliance Initiative

Kayla Slagter

Associate Director of Development

Kiley Leduc

Senior Development Officer, Donor Engagement

Kimani Gichia

Social Work Manager

Layth Sabbagh

Program Officer
Lina Tori Jan

Lina Tori Jan

Afghanistan Policy Lead, Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security & UNICEF Education Champion
Afghanistan Policy Lead, Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security & UNICEF Education Champion

Liz Douglass

Human Resources Manager

Lonah Lagat

Senior Manager, Child Protection & Social Work

Maimuna Dubow Jelle

Development Manager

Mark Ochieng


Martha Odima

Senior Associate, Labor Mobility

Martin Irungu

Manager, Community Based Protection

Martin Onyancha

Livelihoods Program Associate - Give Directly

Mary Kamau

Senior Manager, Health Program
Mediatrix Onyango

Mediatrix Onyango

Coordinator, Deployment Program
Coordinator, Deployment Program

Mercy Kimanthi

Senior Associate, Social Work

Mercy Mukiri

Family Reunification Officer
Mohy Omer

Mohy Omer

Senior Advisor, USAID
Senior Advisor, USAID

Nancy Adhiambo Otieno

Senior Associate, Livelihoods Program

Nancy Solomon

Community Navigator
Nasra Ismail

Nasra Ismail

ALIGHT U.S. Enterprise Executive Director
ALIGHT U.S. Enterprise Executive Director

Ned Meerdink

RSRI Training & Technical Support Manager

Nelson Kamau

Service Assistant, IT/MEL

Ngabonziza Augustin Mpole

Community Navigator

Nicholas Mbata

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Officer - Direct Services

Oscar Mokera

Senior Associate Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning, Direct Services

Patrick Guyer

Director of Impact
Director of Impact

Quinn Kariuki

Senior Manager, Information Technology

Quinter Atieno

Senior Associate, Labor Mobility

Rebecca Nyokabi

Community Health Officer

Rebecca Okech

Senior Officer, Family Reunification

Rehema Said

Senior Associate, Finance
Rita Njue

Rita Njue

Human Resources & Regional Programs Coordinator
Human Resources & Regional Programs Coordinator
Dr. Samora Otieno

Dr. Samora Otieno

MD, Global Health Policy and Health Systems Expert
MD, Global Health Policy and Health Systems Expert
Sandra Uwiringiyimana

Sandra Uwiringiyimana

Co-Founder and Director of Partnerships & Communications, Jimbere Fund
Co-Founder and Director of Partnerships & Communications, Jimbere Fund

Sheikha Ali

International Organization for Migration
International Organization for Migration

Sheila Afande

Senior Resettlement Officer

Shelby Quackenbush

Communications Manager, Refugee Self-Reliance Initiative

Dr. Sonasha Braxton

Senior Technical Advisor, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS)

Stephanie Akeyo Otieno

Training & Technical Manager (Resettlement & Complementary Pathways)
Stephanie Dodson

Stephanie Dodson

Managing Director, Draper Richards Kaplan
Managing Director, Draper Richards Kaplan
Sylvia Kamencu

Sylvia Kamencu

Coordinator, Resettlement and Complementary Pathways
Coordinator, Resettlement and Complementary Pathways

Tabitha Njuguna

Senior Associate, Social Work

Tyson Otieno Apindi

Partnerships Manager, NGO Referrals

Ufinfete Yunies Ahmed

Community Navigator

Umuragwa Olive

Community Navigator

Valentine Masoni

Senior Clinical Officer

Vallerie Akoth Ochieng

Labor Mobility Manager

Wario Qabale

Food Program Officer

Washington Kariuki

Officer, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support

Winnie Munene

Senior Associate, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning - Field Building and Systems Change

Yukabeth Otieno

Senior Officer, Logistics - UNCP

Zachary Gross

Associate Director, Deployment Programs
Board member Farah Mohamed

My hope is that one day, we are living in a world where refugees everywhere have access to a life that is underpinned by dignity and opportunity. I'm proud to be a small part of an organization that will help make this wish a reality.

Farah Mohamed
RefugePoint Board Member and former refugee
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two children relaxing with woman