Part Four: After a 2-year separation, 4-year-old reunites with mother
(Image left: 4-year old Mushkaad is finally reunited with her mother Samira in the U.S., after two years of separation. Image right: RefugePoint Kenya board member Sheikha Ali serves as a travel companion for Mushkaad during her journey from Uganda to the U.S.) “How do you explain to the little girl that she will no…
Part Three: Stories of Refugees Impacted by the Executive Order
We continue with Part Three of our blog series (go back to Part One, go to Part Two), in which RefugePoint Resettlement Experts, who work across Africa to help refugees through the process resettlement, tell stories about how the recent executive order impacts the refugees whom they work with. Today’s story chronicles a refugee family from Somalia who fled to Kenya, as…
Part Two: Stories of Refugees Impacted by the Executive Order
Imagine being violently chased from your home and losing everything – your home, business, friends and family members. And then, you are unable to return home, you are a refugee for 14 years, and you go through an 8 year vetting process to be resettled to the U.S. Finally, after 8 years of waiting, you…
Part One: Stories of Refugees Impacted by the Executive Order
RefugePoint has a team of Resettlement Experts who currently work in 20 countries across Africa, as well as in the Middle East and Southeast Asia, identifying refugees who are most in need of resettlement. Those include refugees who are in danger, survivors of torture and violence, woman and girls at risk, and unaccompanied children. Resettlement Experts identify those…
WBUR Radio Boston 2017: Trump Takes Actions On Immigration, Refugees.
WBUR Radio Boston 2017: Trump Takes Actions On Immigration, Refugees. Sasha Chanoff speaks and takes Q&A (9:50-12:20).
Take Action to Counter President Trump’s Anticipated Ban on Refugees
President Donald Trump is expected to order a temporary ban on all refugees resettling to the United States, and an indefinite ban on Syrian refugees. Additionally, it is anticipated that Trump’s Executive Order will reduce the 2017 ceiling on the arrival of refugees for resettlement to the United States from 110,000 to 50,000. RefugePoint strongly…
Huffington Post 2016: A Message To All Those Who Care About Refugees, by Sasha Chanoff
Huffington Post 2016: A Message To All Those Who Care About Refugees, by Sasha Chanoff
Video Release: An Impossible Choice
An Impossible Choice (a Show of Force film) We all need help in our times of greatest challenge. Today we are confronted with the question: what can I do to help refugees in their most desperate hours? RefugePoint started as a response to that question. You can watch our founding story in this Congo rescue video. With an unprecedented…
World Humanitarian Summit: RefugePoint Shares Refugee Self-Reliance Model
This weekend two RefugePoint staff head to Istanbul for the first World Humanitarian Summit (WHS). As stated in a WHS tagline, the world is witnessing the highest level of human suffering since the Second World War. Global humanitarian budgets have skyrocketed in this millennium, from $2 billion in 2000 to $25 billion in 2014. Despite…
1,246 Nairobi Core Clients Graduate From Programs
This quarter we focused largely on monitoring and assessing client progress with an eye toward planning for 2016. Our staff in Nairobi conducted a comprehensive assessment of all RefugePoint clients. Through home visits, staff evaluated individuals’ and families’ living situations, health and wellness, education, and employment status. They looked at indicators around safety, security, and…