  • You are invited: October 1! Read a book. Change a life.

    You are invited: October 1! Read a book. Change a life.

    Read a book. Change a life. RefugePoint invites you to join the 2019 kick-off of our #Read4Refugees campaign on October 1st! The event marks the official launch of a two-week read-in, and will feature giveaways and guest speaker, author Natalie C. Anderson. Anderson is an American writer and author of City of Saints and Thieves,…

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  • Education as a Tool for Protection and Self-Reliance

    Education as a Tool for Protection and Self-Reliance

    PHOTO ABOVE: Daniel, RefugePoint client (left), sitting with Kimani, RefugePoint’s Education Officer. Education as a Tool for Protection and Self-Reliance For refugee children, going to school isn’t only about advancing their education, but also serves as an essential protection tool. At school, refugee children are able to rebuild critical support systems (teachers, mentors, coaches) that…

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  • The Crucial Role that RefugePoint Social Workers Play in the Lives of Our Clients

    The Crucial Role that RefugePoint Social Workers Play in the Lives of Our Clients

    Take a moment to imagine the life that you want to create for yourself. At its core, it’s probably a life of emotional and mental wellness and financial stability. A life in which you are able to take care of yourself and your family. Now, imagine that there is someone by your side to help…

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  • Catherine Mwangi: My Experience as a RefugePoint Social Worker

    I joined RefugePoint as a social worker three years ago, but I could easily be mistaken for one of the longest-serving employees due to my talkative personality. My first week on the job I was in awe that all of the social workers knew their clients by name. At the time, I found many of…

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  • The US Proposes Resettling Zero Refugees

    RefugePoint, an organization founded as a lifeline for forgotten refugees, denounces reports that some Trump administration officials have proposed resettling zero refugees in fiscal year 2020.  RefugePoint has worked hand in hand with US government officials in both Republican and Democratic administrations to resettle refugees to the US, helping to fulfill the organization’s mission to…

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  • Aurora Humanitarian Initiative Founders Help Complete Half-Million Dollar Campaign

    Noubar & Anna Afeyan and Ruben Vardanyan support the Refugee Self-Reliance Matching Campaign by RefugePoint and Focusing Philanthropy RefugePoint is pleased to announce that Noubar Afeyan and Ruben Vardanyan, founders of the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative, and Anna Afeyan have made significant contributions to RefugePoint’s Refugee Self-Reliance Matching Campaign in partnership with Focusing Philanthropy. The Self-Reliance…

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  • RefugePoint is Deeply Saddened by Air Raid in Libya That Has Killed Dozens at Tripoli Migrant Detention Centre

    RefugePoint is deeply saddened by the deaths of at least 44 people following an air strike on detention center in Tripoli, Libya, where refugees and migrants were being held. At least 130 people were injured in the attack, and UNHCR reported that the death toll could rise following the “preliminary assessment”. Tens of thousands of…

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  • 1,000 Refugee Businesses Launched!

    Most refugees desperately want the opportunity to provide for themselves and their families – to work, to use their skills, and make decisions about their finances, their lives, and their futures. Through our Livelihoods program, we help urban refugees to achieve greater self-sufficiency and a better quality of life by providing business skills trainings, and…

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  • Refugee Self-Reliance: Are we headed there and how do we know?

    By Kellie Leeson and Ilana Seff Jane,* a Congolese refugee, lives in a small, tidy apartment on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya with her husband, two small children, and adult brother. Her brother sleeps during the day so he can work the night shift and her husband spends most of his time in another city…

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  • A Timeline of RefugePoint’s Urban Refugee Protection Program Healthcare Highlights (2005-2019)

    We focus on improving the health of our clients both directly, through our medical clinic, mental health counseling, and health education community outreach, and indirectly by forming partnerships with local hospitals, NGOs, and government entities to promote policy changes that impact thousands of refugees. Take a look at this timeline that highlights the healthcare milestones…

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