  • More Than 20,000 Afghans Who Fled Their Home Country Have Arrived In The U.S.

    More Than 20,000 Afghans Who Fled Their Home Country Have Arrived In The U.S.

    Natalie Brand from CBS News interviewed Sasha Chanoff, RefugePoint’s Founder and Executive Director, about our efforts to support Afghan refugees fleeing the Taliban.

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  • Biden Administration Increases Refugee Admissions to 125,000 for FY 2022

    Biden Administration Increases Refugee Admissions to 125,000 for FY 2022

    Today, the Biden Administration announced its commitment to bolstering the U.S. refugee resettlement system by raising refugee admissions to 125,000 individuals during fiscal year 2022. This is a critical step towards rebuilding a dismantled system that provides life-saving support for those fleeing persecution, human rights abuses, and violent conflict. RefugePoint welcomes this announcement and encourages…

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  • Getting Food Support to the Refugees who need it

    Getting Food Support to the Refugees who need it

    By James Ochweri, Communications Officer It’s the first week of December 2020, and the COVID-19 pandemic is still ravaging the world. A group of people sits quietly in a church hall in Nairobi’s Kasarani area, awaiting our arrival. In front of them, sit bale after bale of dry food. It’s food distribution day for RefugePoint’s…

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  • RefugePoint Joins Welcome.US along with Obama, Bush & Clinton

    RefugePoint Joins Welcome.US along with Obama, Bush & Clinton

    The United States has a long, proud history of welcoming newcomers in times of crisis. We’re a nation born of immigrants and refugees, who have shaped and built our country. Today, we have an opportunity and obligation to welcome our Afghan allies with open arms, in the same way that we’ve welcomed so many others…

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  • Innovating BDS Trainings to Go Digital

    Innovating BDS Trainings to Go Digital

    By Grace Ndirangu, Livelihoods Program Manager In March 2020, the Kenyan government declared a lockdown after the first COVID-19 case was reported in Nairobi. Most organizations, including RefugePoint, immediately pivoted to remote work. We also put field activities on hold to reduce exposure to clients. After some time, we found ways to continue implementing the…

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  • RefugePoint’s Support for Afghan Refugees

    RefugePoint has been helping Afghan refugees to resettle to countries where they can rebuild their lives in safety since 2014. Following the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan, we have been scaling up our workforce to increase our support for at-risk Afghans and other organizations helping those who have fled the militants. You will find frequent updates…

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  • Complexities & Solutions for Family Reunification

    Complexities & Solutions for Family Reunification

    Refugees seeking to reunite with their family members in other countries must navigate complex legal processes, including strict documentation requirements. Many governments require documents like birth certificates or passports, which refugees often don’t have and are unable to retrieve from the countries they fled. For Speda, a refugee seeking to reunite with her husband in…

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  • Reuniting Afghan Families Amid Crisis

    Reuniting Afghan Families Amid Crisis

    *Image does not depict characters in this story. RefugePoint has around 40 staff working in sensitive and precarious situations across Africa and the Middle East, some of which are currently supporting Afghan refugees to resettle to safe countries. One of those staff members recently began working on a case of two unaccompanied children who fled…

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  • The Office with The Best View in The World

    The Office with The Best View in The World

    By Jacob Bonyo, Country Director I have always considered myself lucky to work in an office with “the best view in the world.” The RefugePoint office isn’t located in an exceptionally breathtaking part of Nairobi. We don’t look out of the window and see awe-inspiring vistas. Nor do we have mountainous backdrops or pristine beaches…

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  • One Refugee’s Flight from Afghanistan

    One Refugee’s Flight from Afghanistan

    Photo : M. Shoaib Sharify RefugePoint has many staff working around the world, in situations that are sometimes dangerous and often confidential due to security concerns*, to help Afghan and other refugees resettle to the U.S. and other countries where they can rebuild their lives safely.  This is the story of one RefugePoint staff member’s…

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